Who Else Wants to Feel More Inspired?

InspiredStudies confirm that some people feel inspired more often than the rest of us. While those moments of revelation may seem elusive, the impact is powerful. In addition to the initial exhilaration, inspiration can make you more productive and successful. You perform better and enjoy your work more.
The good news is that these same studies suggest habits that you can cultivate that will bring more enthusiasm into your activities. Try these tips to awaken your muse.
How to Feel Inspired More Often
1. Take action. There are better strategies than sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike. You’re more likely to gain insights while you’re working on a project rather than putting it off until you feel more motivated. Start writing your first novel or contact acquaintances who might want to invest in your start-up business.
2. Focus on intrinsic motivation. Inspiration is more abundant when you’re engaged in activities that you value for their own sake. Put aside thoughts about competing with others or earning money. Contemplate how much you enjoy singing in the church choir or riding your bike.
3. Head outdoors. Sunlight and natural beauty make your mind more receptive. Pack a picnic lunch and take a hike.
4. Appreciate art. Visit an art museum to learn from old masters or browse through an auction catalogue. Examining the work of others can prepare you for your own breakthroughs.
5. Learn about science. Science is another field that offers opportunities to unleash your own genius. Scan the latest headlines about progress in medical research or renewable energy.
6. Express gratitude. However we describe inspiration, it usually has something to do with transcending our ordinary experiences. Pick something you tend to take for granted and look at it more closely. Feel thankful for rain and squirrels.
7. Pray and Meditate on God’s Word. Many adults associate inspiration with their spiritual practices. Schedule time each day to read scripture. Talk with others about how your walk with God is. Attend worship services weekly.
How to Sustain Your Inspiration
1. Set goals. Inspiration tends to reinforce itself. Translate your visions into challenging goals. Once you reach them, use that motivation to create new goals that aim even higher.
2. Go public. You’re more likely to implement your inspiration when you share it with others. If you tell your boss that you have a plan for cutting travel costs, she’s probably going to expect a status report soon. When your kids know that you figured out a way to afford a family ski vacation, they’ll remind you to pack your suitcases.
3. Think positive. Inspiration and optimism go hand in hand. When you’re cheerful and upbeat, you’re more receptive to fresh ideas and making changes.
4. Study role models. Of course, bringing your eureka moments to life still requires courage and effort. Imagine how your mentor or a historical figure you admire would rise to the challenge.
5. Develop patience. Inspiration can be a sudden flash of lightening, but it may also be a long process. You’ll need to persevere if you want to realize the full benefits of a promising opportunity.
6. Stay fit. Considering the close connection between body and mind, it’s natural that staying healthy invites more inspirational moments into your days and nights. Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet full of natural foods, and enjoy plenty of good quality sleep and rest.
Prepare yourself to experience more brainstorms and apply them to your daily life. Drawing on inspiration nourishes creativity and hope. You’ll achieve more and find the journey more pleasant.


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