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Where do we get these awesome team members? Easy. We “grow” them ourselves! Each “Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts” teacher began first as a White Belt beginning student right here in our school.
As their Martial Art skills progressed, each prospective teacher began a Leadership Training program conducted personally by myself. Then, they moved forward into a “Teaching Internship” program, where they received hands-on experience in teaching the “Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy” principles. Only after a long (and challenging) internship were they considered for full time or part time employment at “Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy”.
You may not have known this, but the teachers at most Martial Art schools are people who teach the Martial Arts as a hobby. They work a full-time job in another profession and teach Martial Arts in their spare time.
Not so with the “Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy” teaching staff. There are two full-time (besides myself), professional teacher and three part time.
I know you will enjoy meeting:
Official Title: Associate Professor Beane
6th Degree Black Belt & Certified Master Instructor; full-time head instructor for our Bradley, IL location.
Official Title: Senior Master Kent
5th Degree Black Belt & Certified Master Instructor; Full Time Head Instructor for our New Lenox, IL Location.
Official Title: Mr. Podis
3rd Degree Black Belt & Certified Assistant Instructor; Part Time Instructor for our Bradley, IL Location.
Official Title: Master Arambula
4th Degree Black Belt & Certified Instructor; Part Time Instructor for our Bradley, IL Location.
Official Title: Ms. Chander
1st Degree Black Belt Assistant Instructor; Part Time Instructor for our Bradley, IL Location.