If you’re trying to become an overnight sensation, you may want to focus on long-term career success instead. Artists who gradually develop a following tend to have higher sales than those who skyrocket to fame.
Regardless of your field, it often pays to slow down and focus on moving forward steadily, like the tortoise, when it comes to your career. Discover valuable insights with these ideas.
Being Patient About Your Career
- Define your own success. It’s natural to compare ourselves to others, but your own sense of fulfillment is what really counts. Ensure you’re working towards what you want, whether it’s getting that corner office or owning a hot dog stand.
- Help others. Be generous with favors. Think about your business connections and how these relationships can help you be of service to others. You’ll feel better and the kindness may be returned when you least expect it!
- Steer a middle course. There’s a big difference between adopting a slower pace and being in a rut. Put forth your best effort and know when to try a new approach.
- Maintain a side income. You may be able to think more calmly about your job when you have the security of a side income. Think about starting a small side business, whether it’s selling a few crafts or catering parties on the weekends.
- Focus on life outside the office. Above all, lead a balanced life. Spiritual practices and positive relationships provide support and meaning.
Being Patient in Your Job Search
- Conduct a personal inventory. Do some legwork before sending out applications. Figure out what you like to do and what you are good at.
- Research your opportunities. Think broadly about what kind of work you are qualified for. You can work with a job coach or find free resources at your local library.
- Consider the long-term impact of job offers. It can be exciting to get any job offer. However, it’s also important to think it through. Ask yourself these important questions: “What are the immediate benefits of this offer? How will this job opportunity position me for the future?”
- Celebrate small victories along the way. The current job market is tough. Getting a job offer is often beyond your control. Feel good about yourself for diligently looking for work.
- Budget for an extended search. These days, many sources report that it takes longer for most people to get hired. Think about lifestyle changes, such as shared housing, that may give you extra time to find just the right opportunity.
Being Patient on the Job
- Work sustainable hours. Working too much overtime can backfire and leave you less productive. Resolve to leave the office on time except for emergencies.
- Encourage reasonable expectations. Depending on your circumstances, maybe talk with your supervisor. Try to clarify priorities and be prepared with recommendations for how to handle the workload better.
- Reorganize your calendar. Strategic calendar adjustments can also help you cut down on rushing around. If you’re most productive in the morning, see if you can arrive early and leave early. Excuse yourself from a non-essential meeting if it’s the only way to complete a complex report on time.
- Study long-term trends. Set aside time to study trends and plan ahead. Analyze whether your current industry looks strong for the next decade. Should you start preparing now for a possible career change? By planning ahead, you’ll be able to develop a logical plan of action instead of scrambling around at the last minute.
Putting together a rewarding career often requires years of groundwork and a great deal of fine tuning. Patience and consistency will pay off and enable you to enjoy the process as well as the ultimate outcome.