Congratulations to Our Virtual Karate Tournament Winners!

National Martial Arts Appreciaton Month Virtial Karate Tournament Results

We are incredibly proud of all our students who participated in our recent Virtual Karate Tournament! The dedication, focus, and hard work displayed by every participant made this event a huge success. Whether you earned a medal or pushed yourself to new heights, you are all champions in our eyes.A special congratulations goes out to […]

The Surprising Truth about How the Internet Can Affect Your Brain

You know the Internet has changed the way you do things, but did you know that it can change your brain? According to the theory of neuroplasticity, your activities and experiences modify your brain structure over time. You may think differently as the result of googling and gaming. A recent study by 5 major universities […]

How Positive Delusions Can Help You to Reach Your Goals

A positive delusion could be viewed as merely a very positive attitude. Now, you might think that’s just being inaccurate and lying to yourself. You might be right, but the science is clear on this matter. Studies have shown that people who overestimate their skills, abilities, and talents for a new endeavor ultimately perform at […]

12 Habits That Increase Patience

Life is full of bumps in the road. Construction holds up traffic on your way to work. Your child loses their homework folder about once a month, and your boss blames you for a decision they made. Sometimes you can change your circumstances. More often, you’ll need to change your attitude so you can run […]

Try These Ideas to Journal More Consistently

Great leaders, geniuses, and generations of teenagers have kept journals to record their experiences and sort through their thoughts and feelings. A journal can have many purposes. It may help you to lose weight, heal emotionally, or manage your career. Maybe you’ve wanted to start a journal of your own, but something keeps holding you […]

14 Ways to Be More Loving Toward Yourself

What would your life be like if you treated yourself like a dear friend? After all, your attitude towards yourself shapes your daily reality. When you’re kind to yourself, you have more strength and resilience to deal with difficult times. You may even find yourself attracting more affection from others when you love yourself wholeheartedly. […]

7 Ways to Get More Respect

Does it seem like people don’t listen to what you have to say? Do you feel ignored? Many people don’t receive the respect they either feel they deserve or would like. Unfortunately, once we train people to treat us a certain way, it’s challenging to change. But, where there’s a will, there’s a way.Try these […]

Understanding the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

People often confuse these two terms. Many assume they’re simply just two different words for the same thing, but this isn’t true. You can have a lot of self-esteem and minimal self-confidence. The opposite is also true. Having both is important. You’ll be more successful, happier in general, and happier with yourself if you can […]

Success and the Law of Cause and Effect

The idea of cause and effect has been touted by the Buddha and scientists alike. The idea is simple: actions have effects, and effects are the result of actions. For example, saving money leads to a certain effect. Spending money has a different set of effects. This simple idea isn’t challenging to understand, but it’s […]

Is Social Media Giving You the Advantages You Want? Or Not?

Social media has become a huge part of society. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on how you use it.   There are many advantages and disadvantages to social media. Understanding them can allow you to get the most out of your social media time while avoiding the significant pitfalls.   Social […]