Break the Cycle of Excessive Busyness

Trying to squeeze too many activities into too few hours can leave you overwhelmed. Maybe you’re bragging about how busy you are because it secretly makes you feel important and successful. Maybe you’re under financial and family pressures that outstrip your resources. Either way, there’s an epidemic of excessive busyness among modern adults that leaves […]
Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy is OPEN Today!

Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy is OPEN today!
How to Turn Yourself Into an Early Riser

Many of us get seem almost programmed to sleep late. But there’s a lot to be said for getting up early. You never again have to worry about being late for work.
Allow Your Children to Make Mistakes

We all learn from our mistakes. Every situation is an opportunity for growth. Obviously there are certain mistakes you want to protect your kids from…