The Surprising Truth About What Happens When You Drink One Percent More Water

The Surprising Truth About What Happens When You Drink WaterIf you’re trying to lose weight or want to eat healthier, drinking a little more water could make a big difference. A recent study found that adults who increased their consumption of water by 1% ate fewer calories, and less sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol.
According to researcher at the University of Illinois, drinking 1 to 3 more glasses of water a day helped participants to cut out 68 to 205 calories, along with the other positive changes. To put that in perspective, you’d have to jog for about 25 minutes or walk for about 45 minutes to burn 200 calories.
For such significant results with so little effort, you may want to try this for yourself! Use these tips to help you drink more water and make other quick and powerful changes.

Drink More Water

Individual needs vary, so the old rule about drinking 8 glasses of water a day is just a suggestion that may or may not work for you. Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about how much water would work best.
Use these guidelines to add more water to your diet:

  1. Carry a bottle. Bring a bottle of water along with you wherever you go. That way you can take sips throughout the day.
  2. Add flavor. Plain water can taste great, but maybe you want a little more excitement. Add cucumber slices, ginger, or limes. You could also brew a cup of green tea or drink sparkling water.
  3. Buy a filter. If your tap water has an unpleasant aftertaste, invest in a filter. They’re relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
  4. Eat your water. Many foods have a high water volume. Good choices include celery, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries.
  5. Limit alcohol. On the other hand, alcohol is dehydrating. Most experts recommend up to 1 cocktail a day for women and 2 for men.
  6. Measure your intake. If you have a hard time keeping track of how many glasses you’ve had, you can use the latest technology or old fashioned methods. Browse online for free apps that will measure your total or use a water bottle with markings on the side indicating the number of ounces.

Other Ways to Make Your Diet Healthier

Staying hydrated isn’t the only easy way to easily transform your diet. There are lots of minor daily changes that add up to a major impact.
Try these simple strategies:

  1. Read labels. Processed foods are the most common source of excess sugar and salt. Check the label first.
  2. Order black coffee. If you cut back on sugar gradually, you may not notice what you’re missing. Try putting half as much sweetener in your coffee each day until you’re down to nothing.
  3. Eat more fiber. Fiber fills you up with fewer calories. Indulge in plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  4. Enjoy nutritious treats. Speaking of indulgences, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Bake an apple with cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir fresh fruit into your yogurt.
  5. Control portions. Diets that are too restrictive can leave you feeling deprived and vulnerable to binging on junk foods when you have a lapse. Stay in control by enjoying smaller servings of the foods you love.
  6. Cook more. Preparing your own food lets you decide on the ingredients. You can modify any dish by using less sugar or salt.

Smart lifestyle choices will help keep your mind and body strong and fit. Drinking more water is one easy habit to work into your plan for healthy living.


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