[/text_block]Who Else Wants A Fun Summer Activity For Their Child?
Emilie Hinton – I believe attending Tri Star Martial arts has helped my 9 year old son Noah in his focus… Although this has always been a challenge for him, little by little he is improving. He has also gained flexibility and strength with the physical workout. He also enjoys a feeling of pride at what he can accomplish. Also Noah has gained strength and muscle from his training at Tri-Star as well.
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Dean McGregor – We are so proud & happy with Jacob’s progress since starting at Tri-Star. Not only has he learned a lot he has made tremendous improvement with his co-ordination. His self esteem and confidence has also come a long way. Thank you for a well run martial arts program.
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Tami Brinkman – How do I say this without getting emotional? I can’t. You have helped our family in so many ways. You don’t stop helping or teaching when you leave the studio. Tobie started Tri-Star just after his father passing away.His confidence level was low, he was acting out in class, and his grades could have been better. Within the first three months of being at the studio, his teacher called me in for a meeting and said to me that she didn’t know what I was doing at home, but to keep it up. She said his school work had improved 200%, he no longer was disrespectful, and she said his confidence level had much improved. Tobie is now in fourth grade and is a straight A student and in the gifted program. He respects you so much. He cares what you think of him in the studio and out. Tobie and Taryn lost their step-father last year. You cared so much about our family that you came and spent time with Kim in the hospital and also came out to the house and visited with him and I. Kim also had much respect for you. You have done wonderful things for our family that I can not truly thank you enough for. Thank you for having a huge impact on our family’s lives. God Bless!
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Bill & Amy Burnes – That philosophy will carry into their adult lives as well… With your help, we know that our children will learn the proper manners and respect for other individuals that is so sorely missing in today’s society. You teach our children that they should not blame others for their own failings. You also instill upon them the confidence in themselves that they need to succeed in life. You teach them that even though they may not do a move or a stance just perfectly, that they should never give up, that true success can only come from repeated trail and error. That philosophy will carry into their adult lives as well. In closing, my family all feel that we are all benefiting for the better from having met and interacting with you. We the world would be a better place if more people in this world shared your redeeming qualities. Our children and us will live fuller and more rewarding lives for having known you.
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My child isn’t a good sport. Will they learn how handle defeat in the program?
Yes. It’s normal for kids to experience setbacks when they study martial arts. Some moves may require repeated effort to master, and the process teaches kids to handle disappointment and failure.
Will the program help my child be braver in the face of adversity?
Yes. One of the core skills we teach is courage, which requires kids to dodge targets. While the targets won’t hurt them, they show kids that they can face opposition and still succeed.
My child is a little aggressive will this program make him more aggressive?
No. Our program teaches kids how to be less aggressive. When they become more confident in themselves they won’t have to be aggressive.
My child is shy and a sweetheart. Will this program make him aggressive?
No. Our program will helps kids come out of their “shell” but does not turn them into the next RAMBO or Bruce Lee! ?
My child lacks physical agility and struggles to retain control of their body. Will this program help?
Yes. Kids at this age still have some issues with fine motor skills, and we know that they’ll have trouble with some of the moves we teach at first. Our goal is to help them gain control and build strength and agility.
Yes. Kids at this age still have some issues with fine motor skills, and we know that they’ll have trouble with some of the moves we teach at first. Our goal is to help them gain control and build strength and agility.
Our curriculum is specifically designed with kids from ages three to fifteen in mind. We want to challenge them without overwhelming them – and our instructors know how to motivate them and keep them on track. They’ll learn to accept challenges, not run from them.