Strengthen Communication Skills and Become More Memorable With Facebook

facebookRecently, researchers conducted a study about Facebook. The results were both surprising and dramatic. These results can teach you about communicating better and being more memorable.
Background on the Facebook Study

  1. Check out the study. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego and the University of Warwick conducted this study.
  2. Learn surprising results. They found that Facebook status updates were remembered one and one half times better than sentences from books, and two and a half times better than faces. That’s equivalent to the difference between healthy memory and amnesia.
  3. Resolve any doubts. The findings were so remarkable that the scientists went back to double check the factors that could have interfered. The results were the same, even when they made sure people weren’t just paying more attention to their own friends than to strangers.
  4. Consider the additional findings. The study also found that headlines are remembered better than random sentences. Reader comments make the most lasting impression of all!

Let Facebook Teach You How to Communicate Better

  1. Write quickly. Our brains are wired to prefer effortless, casual conversation. You may get better results trying to write faster. Sometimes it’s good to just jot down your thoughts as they come.
  2. Edit less. Think twice before you edit. Depending on the context, it may be okay to sound less formal. People may connect with that writing style.
  3. Organize your thoughts. Always convey a coherent and complete message. Outlining is a great strategy to implement because it helps the flow of your writing!
  4. Read more comments. Spend time reviewing online comments. Reflect on the word choices and insights that make them striking or funny.
  5. Write more comments. Practice writing comments. People like to receive feedback, and you’ll sharpen your writing skills along the way.
  6. Make time for culture. Literature, philosophy, and science place more demands on our brains than just looking at our friends’ photos. Becoming more cultured gives you more topics for online commenting and discussion. Read and take courses to broaden your culture and your mind!

Let Facebook Teach You How to Protect Your Online Image

  1. Know your company guidelines. Social media mistakes can have long-lasting results, so protect your career by following your company’s rules. Ask for a written copy of the rules if you don’t already have one.
  2. Separate your personal and business accounts. Express your private views on your own time and through your own channels. Use a disclaimer when publicly stating an opinion at work!
  3. Project a positive attitude. Readers usually respond better to postings with a positive tone. When you’re online, people can see only your words. Be precise and matter of fact with your word choices in posts, so they cannot be misinterpreted by others. Save the more sensitive subjects for face to face discussions!
  4. Think before posting. Clarify your purpose before making any posts. Do you believe that others will find it helpful or entertaining? Is the content something you feel comfortable sharing with the general public?
  5. Minimize dubious content. Remove any text or photos that you are unsure about. Ask others to do the same if they have posted content about you that could be questionable. If all else fails, post more neutral or flattering information until you push the debatable information away from the first pages of search engines.
  6. Monitor your online presence. Keep track of how you look online. Review your profiles and what others post about you. Set up a Google Alert with your name and check it regularly!

Facebook has become an important tool in the personal and professional lives of many people. Your interactions on Facebook can enhance your communication skills if you can learn to write in ways that people connect to and understand.
Remember to use good judgment and be professional in order to become memorable while also protecting your online image.


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