Hello Everyone… sorry that we have not been posting anything on our blog lately.
The old blog www.TriStarKarateBlog.com has stopped working and so we had to start a new one and here it is. Make sure to remember that the new blog’s web address is www.TriStarKarate.com/blog of you can just go to www.TriStarKarate.com and click the blog log in button.
There are a few spots left for the Valentine’s Day Night for this Saturday the 12th. You can drop your child off here at 6:30pm… go out to a nice relaxing dinner with the love of your life and pick your child back up at 10pm. The cost for that night is $12 per child and yes if your child has a friend or two that they want to bring that is fine too. Just sign up at the front desk ASAP before all spots are taken.