A recent study asked kids what they thought about their parent’s social media activity and rules about technology. One major concern was “sharenting.” That’s when parents talk too much about their kids on Facebook and other sites.
Researchers at the Universities of Michigan and Washington found that twice as many children as parents expressed concerns about family members oversharing personal information about them on social media without asking for their permission. They also gave kids a chance to describe what technology rules they would set for their families.
Want to know more about what your kids are thinking? Take a look at what this survey had to say, along with suggestions on social media use for parents.
Tips for Overcoming Parental Oversharing
Modern children understand the importance of controlling their online image. Pictures and stories that seem cute now could have unwanted consequences in years ahead if they cause bullying at school or make a potential employer think twice about scheduling an interview.
- Ask first. Your kids are a big part of your life, but they own their own experiences. Get their permission before posting anything about them. Let them make the final decision once they’re old enough to understand the situation, which is usually around age 9.
- Think positive. As you might expect, posting good grades and sports victories is more popular than mentioning eating disorders and messy bedrooms. Deal with sensitive issues privately.
- Limit your audience. Facebook privacy settings may not prevent leaks. Alternative sites like FamilyLeaf and WhatsApp groups make family communications more secure.
- Examine your motives. Be honest about why you’re posting. Are you proud of your kids or fishing for compliments for yourself?
- Seek support. Of course, many parents were attracted to the internet in the first place because they’re looking for information and encouragement from their peers. Just keep your privacy in mind while you’re being social.
- Resist competition. Do you sometimes feel inferior to parents who brag about cooking gourmet meals,and struggling to find room for their kid’s academic and sports trophies? A little humility can help everyone feel more comfortable.
- Other Technology Tips for Parents
In addition to cutting back on sharenting, kids had some other guidelines they’d like their parents to follow. See how you measure up.
- Create quiet zones. Turn off your devices at the dinner table and a couple of hours before bedtime. Spend time talking to each other in the same room or sit together while you read or work on hobbies.
- Drive safely. Children will copy your habits. Texting while driving is a major distraction. Even hands-free devices interfere with your concentration.
- Aim for balance. Is technology crowding out other priorities in your life? Putting sensible limits on browsing and streaming frees up time for visiting the gym, taking long walks, or planning fun family outings.
- Simplify enforcement. Make your rules easy to follow. There may be sites you want to ban completely, at least until your kids reach an appropriate age. Discuss your reasoning so kids can start learning to make sound decisions for themselves.
- Be present. Focus on enjoying family time rather than recording it. Applauding your child at the school play is more important than experimenting with camera angles.
The Internet has made it easier to embarrass your kids now that you’re no longer limited to photo albums and baby books. Be a parent who uses social media responsibly. Ask your kid’s permission before posting about them, and think about the long term impact of your pictures and comments.