How to Learn a New Skill Quickly

Unless you’re happy enough with yourself to stay the same for the rest of your life, you’re going to have to learn a few new skills along the way. As with anything else, some methods of learning are better than others.
Skills take time to develop, so it’s important to use your time as wisely as possible.

Follow these steps to learn new skills quickly and easily:

  1. Do it daily. Every day you don’t spend developing your new skill is a lost day. There’s a limit to how much anyone can learn in a day. That’s true whether it’s a motor skill or something more knowledge-based. Spend at least a few minutes each day developing your new skill. Make the most of each day.
  2. Set a goal. Goals provide a target and a direction. They also include a deadline. With a goal, you have a specific purpose and a set amount of time to accomplish it. Without a goal you’re largely drifting in the wind. Set a goal and focus.
  3. Get expert help. Having a coach is a great way to master a skill quickly. You can never be certain you’re on the right track when you try to do everything yourself. A good coach can spot errors quickly and provide effective solutions. The time and money spent to find a great coach is well-spent.
    • With the technology available today, it’s often possible to find a remote coach. You might be able to find a better and less expensive coach than you can find locally.
  4. Evaluate your progress. Find a way to measure your progress. You can’t know if your development is on track if you don’t know where you stand. This is another area where a coach can be useful. All you have to do is ask.
    • If your progress seems to be behind schedule, it might be worth changing your approach.
  5. Fix your errors. As you’re learning something new, it’s important to identify and fix your errors before they become habits.
    • Imagine you’re learning to play the piano. Once you’ve hit the wrong note too many times, it becomes extremely difficult to hit the right note when it matters.
    • Avoid progressing so quickly that you’re not dealing with your mistakes adequately.
  6. Immerse yourself. Sticking with our piano theme, you would quicken your progress by immersing yourself in piano. One way to do this is to listen to piano music while driving. Especially, listen to piano music you hope to play one day. Listen to great jazz, classical, and contemporary pianists.
  7. Spend your time wisely. You only have so much time to commit to your new skill. It only makes sense to spend time on the most important things. Again, a coach is the ideal person to assess what is most important, but you can do a little research on your own.
    • For example, mastering the basic golf swing is more useful than learning to hit a ball below your feet from a sand trap.
    • Identify the most important aspects of your topic and plan your time accordingly.
  8. Visualize expertise. Use your spare time to visualize performing your new skill perfectly. We all have numerous times each day with a minute or two to spare. Waiting in line, waiting in traffic, taking a shower, taking a short break, and during TV commercials are just a few examples of good times to visualize.

Which skills would you like to master? In what order will you learn them? Value your time and learn new skills in the most efficient way possible. If at all possible, find a coach with the expertise to guide your development. Enjoy your new skill!
If have any question or feel I could help give me a call at 815-932-5425 or visit us on the web at


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