The words you use when you express yourself have an impact on those around you. We’ve all met an individual who seems unaware of how their words affect others. How about you? Do you use your words to uplift others or tear them down?
Perhaps you’d like to mend a few fences in your life. Maybe you just want to ensure you’re using supportive, healing language.
Whatever the case, here are some wonderful words to use often and generously. These terms usually make others feel great and go a long way toward mending relationships that require fixing.
Keep these words in mind:
- I’m listening. Sometimes, when someone important to you is trying to share their feelings, you might be busy with something else.
- If you can switch your attention from what you’re doing to your loved one momentarily, they’ll feel like they really matter to you.
- I’m sorry. One of the most healing things you can do for another person and yourself is to say, “I’m sorry.” Even if you’ve been stubborn about avoiding saying it, try it out a few times.
- It will make you feel like you’re wiping your slate clean of the error you made. Plus, when your apology is truly sincere, it will encourage you to be more wary of your words and actions in the future.
- I forgive you. Getting to the point of forgiving someone can take a lot of time and soul-searching. However, when you truly accept and forgive, you are freed from the weight of your hurt, resentment, and anger.
- It’s a humbling, yet positive experience to forgive others for something they did that upset you.
- You have the power to mend an important relationship by using three simple words: I forgive you.
- I appreciate what you do. According to the Wordbook Dictionary, to appreciate someone is to value, admire, honor, or take notice of them.
- Wouldn’t it feel great if someone you love or respect told you they appreciated something you did? When you tell others you appreciate them, they see that you’ve noticed what they do. You’ll appear optimistic and spread that optimism to the other person.
- To begin healing a less-than-satisfactory relationship, add this simple sentence, “I appreciate you” to your vocabulary and use it often.
- I know you can do it. Directly expressing your confidence in someone can buoy spirits and boost their confidence. When you hear that someone else believes you can achieve something, don’t you begin to believe more in yourself too? So do others.
- I love you. When you cherish your close relationships, you’ll want to use caring and supportive words often. Saying, “I love you” is just about the most emotionally supportive and caring words you can say.
- When a loved one is having a tough day or just for no reason at all, these spoken words can bring warmth, joy, and solace. When you say, “I love you,” it’s a simple expression that transmits so much. Your connection is strengthened.
Using the language of mending feelings each day can be one of the most soothing and supportive habits you can develop. Speaking words like, “I’m listening,” “I’m sorry,” and “I forgive you” heals.
Saying, “I appreciate what you do,” “I know you can do it,” and “I love you” can turn someone’s frown upside down.
Share your love and joy for life by using language that mends and uplifts the souls of those you care about. Your kindness will be returned to bring you even more happiness.