Do You Make These Common Protein Mistakes?

protien mistakesIt’s easy to make mistakes while you’re trying to diet or eat healthier. One area of concern is getting the right amount of protein. Too little, too much, or relying on processed protein sources can undermine your efforts for a healthier body.
Avoid these common protein errors in your diet:
1. Not eating enough protein. This is one of the most common mistakes that you can make with your diet.

  • Nutrition experts recommend having protein at every meal and using it as a snack throughout the day. Even if you’re on a diet, it’s important to avoid skipping your protein or trying to squeeze all of your protein for the whole day into one meal.
  • The popularity of processed and packaged foods has made it easier to avoid protein. However, you need protein to survive because the human body depends on it. Protein can come from a variety of sources including meat, beans, eggs, soy, nuts, seeds, and other foods.
  • Protein helps control your blood sugar levels. This is why it’s important to eat protein at each meal. It also affects your energy levels and weight. Experts recommend 20 to 30 grams of protein for each meal during the day. You can also have snacks with protein to get closer to this amount.

2. Eating the same protein sources every day. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of eating one food, such as eggs, to get enough protein each day. However, eggs can get boring. Also, your body needs a variety of protein sources to get more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Consider eating a variety of these protein foods:

  • Soy
  • Peas
  • Beef
  • Clams
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Anchovies
  • Beans
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Salmon
  • Yogurt
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas

3. Using protein bars and shakes. Although they’re a convenient way to get protein, medical professionals recommend that you limit how many protein bars and shakes you use.

  • They can have high amounts of sugar and other additives.
  • It’s important to focus on whole foods and natural foods such as meat, beans, eggs, seafood, or nuts.

4. Not combining protein with carbohydrates. If you work out frequently, then it’s crucial to combine protein with carbohydrates. Your body needs both nutrients to recover after an intense trip to the gym.
5. Eating too much protein. It’s possible to take protein consumption too far.

  • One of the most common ways this mistake occurs is by combining protein from meals with protein from bars and shakes. This leads to high levels of protein in your body that can create issues.
  • Eating too much protein can actually make you gain weight. Your body can use a limited amount each day, so it’s forced to store extra amounts as fat.
  • Eating too much protein can also hurt your liver.

6. Relying on processed foods to get protein. It’s easier and more convenient, but processed foods aren’t the ideal source of protein.

  • Processed foods can contain high levels of protein. However, it’s much healthier to focus on whole foods instead of packaged ones. It may take more time to cook your own protein-filled meals, but your body will be grateful. Processed foods can contain high levels of sodium, sugar, and other chemical additives that you don’t want.

Protein is an essential nutrient that is vital for your body. Learn to avoid mistakes that can prevent you from getting enough protein or getting too much. Your body will thank you!


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