Hello… Mr. Brumitt here coming to you on my drive to the studio.
Just recently I was thinking about all the things that go on at our martial art school.
I thought to myself that there isn’t a person in the world that couldn’t benefit from all we do.
In fact, I really am amazed that we don’t have a reality television show that highlights what we do on a daily basis.
I also asked myself if this was the case either we are the world’s best-kept secret or people really don’t know the power they have at their fingertips.
When writing this, I thought… will people think this is bragging?
I am sure some will but then I realized my students and the families in our school know us and realize that we are sincere about what we do, how could anyone think that.
I spoke to a mom of one of our students the other day and after was very happy with what she said. She felt very comfortable expressing how she felt and didn’t hold back when it came to complimenting us on what we do well.
I was honored to know that she understood our program and me as well as she did. It also helped me feel good about what we do here at Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy.
I’m most appreciative.
Sometimes students and parents forget that compliments go along way. So, I decided to write this article entitled “Did You Know?”
Did you know that we have promoted hundreds of Black Belts in the last 22 years?
This coming February will be the start of our 23rd year in business.

Did you know that Master Beane started training with me 21 years ago at the age of 11? By the way, he and I both share the same birth date! September 16th if you were wondering.

Did you know that most of the Black Belts you see teaching have started as young adults or children as young as 3 years old? In fact, Mr. Podis has been training since he was a three.
Did you know that all of our Black Belt instructors have gone through our rigorous 2-year STORM Team (Instructor Training) Program enabling them to be the best instructors possible.

Did you know that Master Kent started martial arts with me at age 5 and now he’s 23?
Did you know that I have been training for 29 years and hold the rank of 6th degree Black Belt? In fact, I was supposed to test for my 7th degree in April. Darn, you COVID!
Did you know I was elected to the Christian Martial Arts Association’s Board of Directors and the “Children’s Program Director” in 1999 and then elected Vice President of the Christian Martial Arts Association’s Board of Directors in 2003?

Did you know Miss Arambula started martial arts with me at the age of 7 and now is almost 19?
Listen… many things go on in our school and sometimes even I am amazed. We have had some of the top Ultimate Fighting Champions (UFC) fighters, teaching seminars at our school.
Such as:
Jeremy Horn, Brian Ebersol, & UFC hall of fame recipient Stephan Bonnar.
Plus, one of the highest-ranking American ninjas Shihan Allie Alberigo & former Navy Seal Mr. Kenny Biggbee. At this point, you may be saying – Wow……… I would be if I was you.
Here are some quick facts.
Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy is the largest martial art center in Kankakee County
Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy does not just teach one martial art. It encompasses four different arts. The styles taught include Tang Soo Do, kickboxing, grappling, and Haganah. Which is an Israeli fighting system.
This mix has been developed by me over the years to make sure that the program we teach is the most comprehensive for our students
Did you know that I am a certified instructor in the C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense System and that I am the Chicago Land director of C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense International?
Did you know that I have had the privilege of teaching the United States Federal Marshals in defensive tactics and firearms retention?
Did you know that I’ve authored four books that can be found on Amazon.com not to mention a contributing author with world-famous author, speaker, & teacher Dan Kennedy, called: “The Ultimate Success Secret?
What’s Our Goals Here At Tri-Star?
Our goal is to help all of our students achieve what they desire in life. We believe that Martial Arts – especially at Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy, is a life-skill… that is compared to no other activity. I have seen the results firsthand and know that what we teach will enable people to gain the power to change their lives forever.
Lastly, did you know due to COVID-19 we have lost over 80 students?
This is where you as a member of our Tri-Star family can help.
Did you know that you can share all the benefits of our martial arts program with your family and friends with only a few clicks of your mouse? Or a few swipes of your finger?
Here’s a little video on how you can help us… and it only takes 7 seconds to do it. I greatly appreciate your help in advance.