Bullying Is An Epidemic!

Florida dad threatened kids on bus who bullied his daughter.

Bullying Is An Epidemic | Tri-Star Martial Arts AcademySANFORD, Fla. – A father furious because his 13-year-old daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy had been bullied stormed onto a school bus and threatened the children who teased her.
The dad boarded the school bus Sept. 3 because several boys were allegedly bullying his daughter. They placed an open condom on his daughter’s head, smacked her on the back of her head, twisted her ear and shouted rude comments at her.
What would you have done? 

Attention Parents! Join With Our Martial Arts School to Stop Bullying Before It Starts

Please take this opportunity to educate yourself about an issue that affects 30%, or more than 5.7 million, of children and youth in the United Statesbecause that is how many of them are estimated to be bullies, have been the victims of bullying or both.
Many of you may remember bullying incidents in your youth, and now in adulthood may think it’s just part of growing and it never really affected you. You would be one of the fortunate ones, for bullying has much to do with stunting a child’s emotional and intellectual growth, even if it never has more than minor physical effects.

Studies and statistics support the conclusions.

  • Studies show that bullies are generally physically aggressive, hot-tempered, easily angered and impulsive, with a low tolerance for frustration.1
  • Children and youth who are bullied are typically anxious, insecure and cautious and suffer from low self-esteem, rarely defending themselves.1 Bullied students often have problems concentrating in school.2
  • There appears to be a strong relationship between childhood bullying and adult legal and criminal problems.
  • Adults who were bullied as youth have higher levels of depression and poorer self-esteem than other adults.2

The evidence leaves little doubt that bullying is an issue that requires the attention of all adults in our community; and maybe the biggest reason is that social scientists and the studies they conduct support the concept that bullying is a precursor to the deadly gun-violence occurring in too many high schools. In many cases, bullying escalates to violence because of earlier confrontations over relatively petty issues or intolerance for others’ points-of-view.
That’s why Duane Brumitt’s Tri-Star Martial Arts Academy of Bradley, IL is ready to contribute its professional expertise to help you, your child and our community stop the bullying before it starts.
We will hold a FREE Bully-Buster classes on both Wed., September 28th at 4:30pm and Thurs., September 29th at 6:15pm for Ages 6-12. Class is 45 minutes in length.

Your child will learn:

· 12 ways to walk away with confidence
· Peaceful ways to avoid conflict
· When to take a “stance” and use your Martial Arts if necessary
These classes will be on a first come first serve basis and there are only 15 slots available each day so don’t delay call Cindy at 815/932-5425 to reserve your child’s spot.  You can also register your child online at www.FreeKidSafety.com<==Click Here
Tri-Star is located off of North Street behind Home Star Bank in Bradley, IL. Their address is 275 N. Industrial Dr., Bradley, IL. Tri-Star can be reached at 815/932-5425.



You will not need to sign up for these classes your child will attend this class during their regularly scheduled class. Plus they will be able to invite their friends as well. In fact if you copy and paste this link: www.FreeKidSafety.com/vip you can send this link to your friends and this is the link they will need to use to sign up to attend the bully buster workshop with your child for FREE.


[1] Olweus, D (1993). Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers, Inc. pp.34-43.
[2] Rigby, K (2001). Health consequences of bullying and its prevention in schools. In J. Juvonen & S. Graham, Eds., Peer Harassment in School: The Plight of the Vulnerable and Victimized. New York: Guilford Press.


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