Banish Procrastination Forever With These Top Tips

banish proscastinationWe’ve all procrastinated in one situation or another. You might find yourself putting off doing something that you regard as unimportant, only to be confronted with your lack of effort later on. The good news is that you can banish procrastination from your life forever! Rally your efforts now to get things done effectively and efficiently.
Banish procrastination for good by adopting these strategies:
1. Admit that you look for diversions. The vast majority of those who procrastinate do it by finding something else to focus on, rather than paying attention to the task at hand.

  • For example, your lawn needs to be mowed, but you see your neighbor and decide to go chat with him instead.
  • If you can acknowledge that you purposely look for distractions to avoid what needs to be done, you’ll be on your way to curbing your procrastination.

2. Think about how you’ll feel when you complete the task. What will be different when you’ve completed the thing you’ve been avoiding? If nothing else, won’t you feel relieved when the task is finally done? These thoughts can motivate you to take action.
3.Consider how you’ll feel when the job isn’t finished. If you continue to procrastinate, how will you feel about it? Use those negative feelings as motivation to get the job done now.
4. Stop making excuses. Maybe you think you’ll do a poor job or you convince yourself you’ll do a better job when you’re down to the wire. You might even say to yourself, “I’d really like to get that done, but I’m in a time crunch now.”

  • Recognize that these are empty excuses that just contribute to your procrastination.

5. Just do it. Nike made the saying famous and it applies here. Rather than spend time avoiding a task or wishing it was already done, just start it now.
6. Set goals and make a list of what needs to be done. Jot down a list of things you’ve been procrastinating about. Then, next to each task, write down your completion date.

  • Use your calendar to ensure you have enough time. Divide larger tasks into a series of smaller tasks and list each of those tasks on your calendar too. That will make it easier to see at a glance which tasks you intend to do each day so that you don’t overwhelm yourself and can schedule a reasonable time in which to complete each task.

7. Celebrate your successes. When you complete a task you’ve been putting off, reward yourself. It might be a dinner out with a friend, a trip to see that new museum, or a relaxing pedicure. Be proud of yourself for stopping the cycle of procrastination.
Procrastination is the bane of existence for many of us. But you have the power to change from procrastination to action. Make a list of the things that need to be done and complete those tasks immediately. You’ll feel less weighed-down by your life if you learn to get things done in a timely fashion.


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