8 Ways to Make Your Workout More Fun

Workout-tips-for-beginnersDo you look forward to your workouts? If not, you’re more likely to come up with reasons to skip a session or two. As missed sessions become more common, you’ll lose the health and fitness benefits that made you want to exercise in the first place, so it’s important to keep things fun.
Consider these tips to bring some fun into your exercise time:
1. Analyze your current workout. If your exercise time is less than fulfilling, an analysis of your current workout will help you identify why you’re not happy.

  • Does the thought of using the Stairmaster make you want to cry? Do you try to come up with excuses to avoid running? If your workout makes you sad, it’s time to reevaluate how you exercise.
  • Consider why you’re unhappy and search for solutions that will work with your lifestyle. Would taking a group class make you more likely to exercise? Do you simply need a different type of workout?
  • Consider signing up for a class at a local martial arts school or other venue. Spending money can add motivation to your fitness routine.

2. Add a friend. Exercising alone can get boring, but a good friend can change how you think about your workout.

  • Do you hate to exercise alone? Finding a friend who is also trying to get in shape can help both of you by making the workout more fun. As you may know everyone can do martial arts.
  • A study, titled “The Influence of Partner’s Behavior on Health Behavior Change,” found that adding a partner to your workout can help. Researchers learned that it makes you five times more likely to exercise.

3. Turn it into a game with rewards. Games can make your workout more fun. This will motivate you to keep going and stay active. With hundreds of thousands of martial arts drills you will almost never get bored.
4. Add music. Do you have music playing in the background as you do your cardio? Music has a powerful impact on exercise. There is a reason why you hear loud music in gyms.

  • A study, titled “Music in the exercise domain: A review and synthesis,” found that music can actually make you better at exercising. The study also found that music makes the workout seem easier and more fun. Our martial arts school is familiar with this study and we always use music in our classes.

5. Add your favorite TV show. A TV show can help you get motivated and stay in shape. Do you watch TV while you exercise? Switching to your favorite show can make the time go by faster and make the workout seem easier.
6. Exercise outside. Exercising outdoors can make your workout more enjoyable. Researchers found that the outdoors helps you forget the pain while you focus on your surroundings.

  • The outdoors will also make you feel more energetic.

7. Post motivational notes. Putting notes to encourage exercise wherever you might see them during your day can help you stay in shape. Research shows that even simple things like smiley faces can have a positive impact on your workout.

  • Spend some time writing inspiring notes to yourself. Consider writing funny quotes to help you stay inspired to work out.

8. Add variety. Do you do the same exercise routine every day? The same workout can get boring over time. Consider trying new exercises you’ve never done before. Also, think about exercise in different ways.

  • Dancing can be a great way to burn calories and stay in shape. Do you have a dance you love?
  • Playing sports is a workout too. Organize teams with your family and friends or join community teams and have some fun!

Your workouts can be more fun with a few simple adjustments. Make exercise a better experience with these tips and you’ll find that fitness can be fun!


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