There’s no shortage of self-improvement books, courses, manuals, videos, and ideas. The information needed to become fit, wealthy, healthy, famous, confident, and likeable is readily available. The challenge isn’t information. It’s implementation.
It’s frustrating to feel that everything you need to know is available, yet you still can’t make the changes you seek.
You’re not alone in that frustration.
Make your self-improvement efforts more successful with these strategies:
1. Have reasonable goals. Sure, your mother told you that you can be anything you want to be, but she lied to you. If you’re 5’ 5”, awkward, and 50 years old, you’re never going to play in the NBA. You’re also probably not going to be the prime minister of Japan, an astronaut, or co-star in a blockbuster with Brad Pitt.
- You can do amazing things, but if you set your sights too high, you’ll become frustrated and lose your motivation to continue.
- Set self-improvement goals that you believe you can attain. You can always set bigger goals after you’ve experienced some success.
- For example, you might want to earn $10,000 per week, but starting with a goal of earning $2,000 per week could be exciting without the stress of the larger goal.
2. Have reasonable timetables. Losing 50 pounds is a reasonable goal, but accomplishing it in a month is not.
- You can do a lot if given enough time. Changing your life is entirely possible. Doing so at a breakneck pace is less possible.
3. Be enthusiastic about small steps forward. It takes time to gain momentum, and it’s important to have positive feelings about all of your progress. It’s the only thing that will keep that progress coming.
- If you have 50 pounds to lose, it’s not easy to get excited about losing 3 pounds. It’s not easy to feel motivated after saving $1,000 when your goal is to save $1 million. But you still have a reason to feel good about yourself! Encourage yourself to keep up the momentum with a reward.
- Reward yourself for even the smallest improvement. Rewarded behavior is more likely to occur in the future. Reward yourself for a day of healthy eating or saving an extra $10. Be generous with your rewards!
4. Create daily habits that move you forward. It’s typically not single, monumental actions that change your life. It’s the little things you do each day, day after day after day.
- Create new habits that guarantee you’ll reach your goals. Then you only have to worry about your compliance.
5. Consider your obstacles. There are currently things in the way of your self-improvement objectives. It might be your attitude, a close friend, your lack of skills, or your lack of time.
- Making an effort to reduce or remove these obstacles can make a big difference in your success.
6. Patience is key. Setting reasonable timelines and sticking to them requires patience. When you’re motivated, it’s hard to be patient. However, if you lack patience, you’ll never last long enough to experience significant gains.
7. Make one change at a time. You can work on several self-improvement objectives at once, but introduce only one at a time into your current routines.
- Making too many changes at once is overwhelming and a fast track to nowhere.
- Give yourself a little room to breathe and get one self-improvement project well underway before starting a new one.
There’s never been a better time to work on improving yourself or your life!
So much information in so many formats is now available on how to change your life. The only tricky part is applying the information consistently and reaping the rewards.
For your best results, develop the habits necessary to ensure success, enjoy your progress, and be patient. With time, you can do almost anything!